GSE Team Argentina

GSE Team Argentina

28 April 2013

Amistad, Amor, y Argentina

Another city in the South of Argentina, Villa Maria--another wonderful group of people to receive us.  Unfortunately we were only here for a day and a half.  The group toured a cheese factory, which is one of the industries which has brought jobs and resources to Villa Maria.

In the afternoon, we experienced more traditional Argentinian life--present and past.  Villa Maria is very much a farming town (looks a lot like Iowa driving through--Anyone who knows Haywood Bank's "I-80 song" it's like that except it's 'cows, cows, cows, Villa Ma-ri-a...) We drove out into the country...down a long dirt a place called "La Isolina--Club de Campo"  (Even if you can't read Spanish...Isolina...yeah it was off the beaten path to say the least).

Campo is a farm, this hidden place was just a treasure! Beautiful land, verdent, trees, flowers, farm-ish things and horses.  We were treated to an authentic Carne Asada  Then the Cabelleros came with the horses.  We were able to ride the horses!  I love horseback riding!  Unfortunately, I had a fall earlier in the morning; riding a horse was not my best choice; however, I bruise is going to be there whether I ride the horse or not and how many times will I ride a horse in Argentina??!!  Even though I love horseback riding, I said to the Caberllero, "NO SOLA!" (Not by myself).  The others and the Caberlleros got a kick out of me so he kept letting go and my horse would freak out and then I would yell, "POR FAVOR! NO SOLA!" it was quite entertaining (for my team mates).

Finally, a group of traditional Argentine dancers came and danced for us.  It was very simple dancing movements, but nonetheless beautiful in it's simplicity.  There is constant eye contact with the dancers.  There is a part of the dance where the woman turns in a circle and the man does a cross between a tap-dance, Irish line dance, and very Latin American hip movement solo.  I liked this...I'm guessing it has something to do with the Gouchos attracting the woman, but for me it seemed more relational; almost a celebration for the woman, expressed through the feet (oh...and Gouchos ha ha)

I have experienced the culture here to be very love-centered--for family, for friendship, community, etc.  The Argentines are not afraid to express this aspect of their culture either.  For example, when you great someone or are greeted, you kiss the person on 1 cheek ("NOT 2 cheeks like the Spaniards"--which we are reminded often).  It doesn't matter if you just saw the person or if you met for 5 minutes in the greet with a kiss.  There is a closeness and energy about the culture and love/respect/friendship.  It's like a "You only live once" motto with a "and you only live with these friends and family once" twist.  This was true with the ( interpretation of the traditional dance...the eye contact, the male solo, the end of the dance always ended with an abrupt, yet graceful pose with the arms intertwined.  We also shared Mate together; a very traditional beverage (it's like a soupy tea) that is passed in a gourd-like mug with a special straw.  It is passed between people to share.  There was something very comforting about the warmth and taste of the Mate...very much again reflective of the culture I have experienced.

I love how the arts can express a culture; especially dance--no words are necessary.  I've been thinking about how my culture, as I understand/experience it, would be represented in a movement.  Polka?  Country Line Dancing?  Hip Hop?  Square Dancing?  Modern? None of those seem to fit, at least for me.  What would tell the story of the energy and values which are expressed in our North American culture...that doesn't use words; that extends beyond language barriers.  No say...una pregunta por la otro dia...

(Still having a hard time with photos...I'll at some point update with more pictures and video, but for now the collages will have to do)

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