GSE Team Argentina

GSE Team Argentina

22 April 2013

Tranquila en la tarde con Amigos

Wow!  Fewer than 24 hours in Argentina and we've been busy!  Today we had wonderful the main university, a federal justice, several wonderful Rotarian guides...even a bus tour of Córdoba!  We had a couple hours of free time just the four of us and 2 hosts...we wanted some down time--outdoor cafe, some refreshments, and nice conversation!  Molly and I remarked that this was really the first time we've talked casually as a team, outside of our formal meetings and preparation time.  It was nice.  The weather has been perfect...great for sitting outside.  I thnk this is the recharge we needed for tonight---our first presentation night!

Más luego....con fotos!

1 comment:

  1. crampa4/22/2013

    Caramba! How surreal it is to read of the exploits our number one granddaughter (she was born first) far away in Argentina. We saw all five of you give your speeches in West Bend and were impressed. We suspect you will continue to do so in Spanish. Have a bola!

    Crampa and Crama
