GSE Team Argentina

GSE Team Argentina

09 May 2013

History and Economics (By Kathleen)

Some thoughts on history and economics in Argentina

This is a beautiful country, rich in resources yet challenged to govern itself in ways that will make the best uses of its human and material gifts.  It's recent history, if I can say the 1970s are recent, is very much present as well.

Today we are in Chemical (the name of a local tree) and visited a church that had a memorial to two of its priests who were killed in 1976.  Their bishop came to investigate and a few weeks later he was killed in a car crash that most consider another murder.  Our Rotarian host told us that Pope Francis, as bishop, had proposed one of the two for sainthood and now they are hopeful that, given his position, that process will move forward.

Many of the books in the museum there have the title Never Again.  

So the country did indeed change from a dictatorship to a democracy but continues to zig zag around many political and economic issues.  I have to say, given what is going on in Congress, we can understand some of the issues here.  I plan to do much more reading on these when I return to the US.  For now, I just observe.

Meanwhile I continue to be impressed by the industriousness of the people.  Yesterday we visited a coop winery in Chilicito.  It was amazing.  I have taken pictures of not only the factory but the wines.  I plan to look for these in Milwaukee .  That winery is challenged by water issues related to a potential mining project.  That is a whole story in itself.

For now, Argentina continues to fascinate.


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